Our Story

With divine conviction, four retired women of faith gathered together for years to pray that a daring vision would unfold in their lifetime. They believed the emerging generations would thrive most if they experienced the love of God personally and spread it collectively to their neighbors and the nations. For them, this was God’s purpose worth any sacrifice.

In 1999, these founders, Mildred, Jean, Ethel, and Margarette, invested their life’s work and launched a faith community—now known as Waymaker.Church—driven to build lives, families, leaders, and communities in the love and mission of God. 

Now, their legacy lives on through Four Founders Coffee Company.

Our Mission

To create enterprising coffee solutions to advance the Church. 

Our vision is that Four Founders Coffee Company will become a model for church planters to create community and grow a body of believers in the city they feel called to. Four Founders will not only be a model but will fund future church plants across the nation and the world as we go after making disciples of Jesus. If you are interested in church planting, visit waymaker.institute and apply for our church planting residency today.